Saturday, June 7, 2008

Knitting again! Playing clarinet, again!

Now that I have a little more 'contained' energy, I've returned to some hobbies. Some I didn't talk about before, playing clarinet, and some I've mentioned, that cute 'lil' hobby known as knitting!

I don't do them at the same time (grin) but I do use them to keep my hands busy and mind thoughtful when not at the ol' bloggin keyboard.

Perhaps photos will come soon of the enormous pink acrylic needles I decided to finally use and may I say they just work better for me than skinny metal ones, for playing around and learning! I highly recommend the 'fat' ones for just that purpose. The ones I have are size 15.

And clarinet: I've had mine for a very long time and I can still do it, which is a miracle. And I have lots of sheet music, which is my forte: reading music for it. I never learned scales properly, which held me back several times. But I actually play for recreation and my own personal fun. (I'd love to be in a Jazz Band someday - but I think that will take lessons in order to do (check my 25 wishes!). I'm not there yet).

All have a pleasant day, this Saturday morning and rest of the weekend!


Tracy said...

I would love to see those needles! Yayyyyyyyy in you also playing again. That is wonderful news.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

hugs and blessings sent your way.

'Tart said...

I'll have to get a picture of them soon! When I went to my local yarn store I bought the next smaller size acrylic needles in purple. I may return them, because I started 2 projects on the pink size 15's and then put one project on holder's while I worked on the other. I wanted to switch between the two (perhaps so very bipolar of me, too much energy sometimes and wanting to do something new!) but I may start one over on the new purple needles (size 13 I think!) just so I'll have different kinds!

Hey, you have a wonderful weekend too and hugs and blessings sent your way!

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