Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dolly article

In keeping up with my Dolly Parton fascination, see an article here .

What I love about this article is that Dolly is 63-years-old and has no plans for slowing down. As a matter of fact, she's got ALL KINDS of plans. As someone that is perhaps quite a bit younger than her (with bipolar lets not forget) that has been feeling like there's not much more left for me to do, that it's all over (I admit to feeling that way sometimes lately) I love her example that it's never over, that there's still so much more to do.

I love that she's 'real' and simply as an aside she is an example to me that you can have an enormously fulfilling life without ever having a child, which as I said is an aside, but it has meaning to me. Go Dolly!


Mike Golch said...

I enjoy any one that celebrates life.Hugs to you my friend!

Tracy said...

Laughs we need to go to Dollywood together Tart, because i know we both would have such a wonderful time!

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