Thursday, May 29, 2008

Taking time out - on purpose & cause you have to

Cat sleeping in, by Webshots

I realize that I just want everything to move faster. I did not think to be more appreciative of the fact that my hands have stopped shaking Considerably, since stopping lithium almost two weeks ago. YYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! Thank you, brain chemicals and thank you Lord! (Perhaps in not that order, or maybe.)

Anyway, it's important to take naps, to take time out and I love how cats (and dogs) know to take their naps and refresh and rest. A sweet reminder to us all.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Celebrating Memorial Day through Movies (& other activities)

Turner Classic Movies is showing classic, black and white movies all day long concerning wars that the United States has been involved in. I've had the channel on all day, even though I've been out of the house considerably doing what Husband likes to do, frankly, on a day off. Work on projects. He just went and got a trailer for this very small boat we've had and he is busy making it ship-shape. This required going all around town getting parts for it.

That I think, is his way of celebrating the holiday. I like my Mom's way of celebrating which is to watch movies. She was watching 'The Best Years of Our Lives' with Myrna Loye and others. She looked at me very seriously and sincerely and said this was the first film that she knew of that dealt seriously with the aftermath of WWII. The film features a sailor with two metal hands going home after the war, hoping that his girlfriend will still love him.

I've been going between the two, helping Husband and watching the movie, but I think it's fitting to use cinema art to appreciate this day.

Others have said it better, but we do celebrate or commemorate in our own ways, and this day is very important, whether we commemorate our personal loved ones who have passed, to the truly brave soldiers and people that specifically fight for 'American pleasures and needs: freedoms' let me put it that way.

I've known a few in my own family and I can't think about them without a great deal of pleasure and pride in them, and I can't imagine the sadness and loss of those who have lost people like that in their lives, except for my personal losses. We should think that we suffer as a country for the losses, still daily, today.

I know plenty of people who look forward to cookouts with their families, going to baseball games with other people, going to the cemetery to remember loved ones, specifically putting the flag out for this day, going to D.C. for The Wall commemorations, to fixing a boat ramp trailer, to thinking of others once and a while (that is insinuating me on that) to write about it.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Good Stuff exclusive: Jungletart's Wishes

Mysti posted about reading a book that encourages each of us to think of 20 wishes.

For some reason, I was listening to music today (the easy listening off AOL instant messenger)and heard Michael Buble, who I love, and have no CD's of. So I immediately created my 'birthday wishes' list, which I could only think of two objects that I want at this time. But then I started thinking what I 'really wanted' and so this list appeared:

Jungletart's Wishes

1. To have a job working at home as an editor or as Ebay seller
2. To have my animals and loved ones always healthy
3. To get rid of my clutter and have a beautiful house
4. To reduce my swelling and fat and be slim & strong again
5. To be financially secure
6. To have a farm with alpacas, or work for one, or have one and work for a farm taking care of it.
7. To help somebody else and know the joy of doing so
8. To crochet Mom’s booties, prayer shawls, finish Husband’s scarf
9. Learn to knit socks
10. Have a French Bulldog someday – a peppy, personality-filled one and matching name.
11. Join a group – either a knit/crochet one or bipolar OR both!
12. To not worry about my health, whether eyes, heart or mental
13. To read the Bible, the Book of Mormon and check out the Quran.
14. To play clarinet in a jazz band. Or bass guitar.
15. To practice my clarinet, mostly daily
16. To get a schedule, to have more structure in my day
17. Learn to play my Esteban guitar.
18. Learn to play the Casio.
19. Become a professional photographer with access to a dark room
20. Knit a dog sweater
21. Find a niche on Ebay – something to sell that will be mine and go thru the roof
22. To know what to do with Family Land I inherited, to the best of my ability
23. To write a book, then help people with theirs

24. To learn to cook really well and have a professional kitchen
25. To go to Italy, Las Vegas (again), California, Oklahoma, visit friends all over the country

Like Mysti, I'm going to post my list on the sideboard, maybe on the other blog too. Thank you, Mysti (Tracy Jo) for giving me the confidence to air my dreams. You don't know how much your courage affects me.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Feeling Hopeful

Navarre, Spain

Now that I'm experiencing Day 1 of No Lithium, I am wondering what the future holds.

Please understand that I am responsibly going off the drug, as per my pdoc. He has been lowering my dose ever since I had a 4-day stay in the hospital (the regular one) for Lithium toxicity. So, I've paid my dues, Believe Me. Oh, did I mention I've been on the stuff for 20 years? So, I've Paid My Dues, Believe Me.

So now I'm pretty hopeful for the future. For the first time in a long time, I could actually reduce the edema (swelling) that I've experienced for so long. I look forward to the new me.

I want to take this moment to thank my regular readers, both here and on my 'Adventures' blog, commenters or not. Knowing that SOMEone, somewhere reads my words and well-meant thoughts means so much to me.

Bipolar is a chronic illness and I will be on meds for the rest of my life. Maybe even Lithium again. But for now I am enjoying the ride, not feeling scary one mood or another at the moment, and so glad for the opportunity.


The JungleTart
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